Sunday, June 20, 2010

I got tagged.. :)

I was tagged by Tiffany :) (btw, I love the name of your blog). Thank you!
The rules are...
1. Display this award in some way on your blog! Done!

2. Name 17 of your favorite random things:
-Taylor Swift (though, she's not a thing, she's a hero)
-going to the cinema
-WHAM bars.. WHAM.
-raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens.
-Desperate Housewives
-buying 3 books for €2 in the discount bookshop
-being sarcastic
-signing on today and seeing that I've 18 followers (OHMYGODTHANKYOU.)
-my lip balm.. Mmmmm. I hope I never lose this one.
-Owl City
-earning, not getting, money.

3. Award 4 of your favorite random bloggers
*drum roll*
and in no particular order...

Mizz Ali (I'm sure you already have it, but whatever)
Aoife ( hope you're having fun on holidays ^^,)
Unwritten (I hope everything works out for you tomorrow :/)
and last, but not least, Eleanor :)

Enjoy! :)


  1. OMG! thanks SO much, I actually HAVENT had this one yet! and congrats on the 18 followers, you deserve it!

  2. Congrats on the 18 followers! You lucky ducky from kentucky!We are very alike in that I can relate to nearly everything on the list! And thanks for wishing me well tomorrow, I think I'll need it!

  3. I love this tag. :)
    Thanks for the comment on my blog, I'm following you!

  4. Thanks for the award! Wow, twenty followers already? I remember when I was your second follower... I feel so old, even though I'm a kid of 1995, baby!

  5. Ah, tragic.
    Another person that has over taken me in the follower-stakes. Sad face.
    But, OH GEE THANK YOU for the award. Happy Face.

